Chairman’s Corner

Elliott’s Chairman’s Corner features brief commentary about performance / outcome contracting and thought leadership. It is a storehouse of concepts, writings, and references to what’s most important to achieving the outcomes each organization desires when outsourcing specific services.

Price vs. Quality – The “Fractured Banana”

Is it a surprise that buyers can pay a variety of prices for what seems to be the same service specification? The truth is, we can pay a variety of prices for almost anything.

The Right Price

Buyers often see a Low Price as the “Gold Star,” signifying their success– and rightly so, in some cases. But how do you know whether the low price is also the “right” price?

Traditional Vs Performance-Driven Contracting (Part 2)

What is the 14-step process for implementing an effective performance-based cleaning system?

Traditional Vs Performance-Driven Contracting (Part 1)

What is the difference between a traditional vs a performance-based cleaning system?

Inspection As Management

What is the real reason for inspecting performance? This video presents an 11-minute overview of some of the key ideas brought together for achieving performance-driven success.

Defining Quality and Recording Common Defects

In this 30-minute video, Ron McCuen goes into the details of how common defects should be recorded as part of the inspection process.

Inspection Objectivity and Accuracy

How should inspections be done to ensure that the results are an accurate representation of a building’s condition?

Why Do Inspections?

Why are inspections necessary, and how should they be conducted? This video presents a nine-minute discussion of how inspections contribute to the success of cleaning programs.

Key Performance Indicators

How do you define the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be objectively measured and actively managed for constant improvement? This video presents a 13-minute, detailed review of the critical process for creating concrete definitions of the KPIs necessary for achieving your Performance-Driven success.

Introduction to Performance-Driven Management

What does it take to become an extraordinary manager of Building Services?

The "Fractured Banana": A Price-Quality Curve for Services

Explanation of the price elasticity of cleaning services
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