Welcome to Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.’s Knowledge Center, where you will find information relevant to owners, occupiers, investors, and contractors in the commercial real estate space. While Elliott’s core focus in the janitorial services segment is about creating clear performance- and outcome-based contract scopes of work and guiding their delivery using a continuous improvement process that delivers exceptional results. Organizations that engage contractors have a myriad of factors to consider when engaging and managing contracted services.

11 Cleaning Technologies Every FM and BSC Should Consider

CleanLink article on 11 low-cost technologies to consider for the cleaning industry

How to Tackle the Spread of Norovirus

In this guest article on CleanLink, Lysol Pro Solutions representative Dr. Lisa Ackerley discusses the strategies that schools can adopt to reduce the spread of norovirus.

Building Services Management (April 2023 Edition)

The April 2023 edition of the Building Services Management magazine discusses emergency response (P. 12-15), mold control (P. 18-19), waste management (P. 24-25), and occupational exposure to dermal allergens (P. 26-27).

Facility Cleaning Decisions (March / April 2023 Edition)

The March / April 2023 edition of the Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine discusses "best practices [for] assessing custodial training for accuracy and retention" (P. 6-11), "preventing bird issues at commercial facilities" (P. 12-13), lessons learned from the COVID pandemic regarding "cleaning for health" (P. 14-17), and "assessing a cleaning program for areas of improvement" (P. 18-19).

Candida auris Oubtreaks: What You Need to Know

CleanLink article on the CDC advisory regarding the spread of the Candida auris (C. auris) fungus as of March 2023

Contracting Profits (March / April 2023 Edition)

The March / April 2023 edition of the Contracting Profits magazine discusses the usage of electrostatic sprayers for infection control (P. 8-9), carpet cleaning strategies (P. 10-11), and the results of the 2023 Building Services Contractor (BSC) Market Report (P. 16-20).

Indianapolis International Airport Installing 50 Pluie Self-Sanitizing Changing Tables

CleanLink report on the planned installation (as of March 2023) of "self-sanitizing diaper changing tables" at Indianapolis International Airport that apply UV-C to the surface after use

Is Fungus the Cleaning Industry’s Next Biggest Challenge?

Cleaning Maintenance & Management article on preventing fungal growth and possible mold removal strategies

Building Operating Management (March / April 2023 Edition)

The March / April 2023 edition of the Building Operating Management magazine discusses "energy management systems upgrades" at the Lansing Convention Center in Michigan (P. 10-12), "remov[ing] noisy distractions" to "attract workers back to the office" (P. 14-15), "smart technology in infection control" (P. 16-18), and preparation for wildfire threats (P. 19-20).

Germ Busters: Ongoing Strategies for Clean & Healthy Facilities

This 58-minute ISSA webinar discusses the strategies for "protecting facility inhabitants from infectious diseases."

White Paper Released on Citrus-Based Cleaning Solutions

CleanLink article mentioning a white paper by ProNatural Brands on the applications of citric acid in professional cleaning contexts

Q&A on UV Disinfection Technology

Cleaning Maintenance & Management article on how to use UV disinfection units
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