Welcome to Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.’s Knowledge Center, where you will find information relevant to owners, occupiers, investors, and contractors in the commercial real estate space. While Elliott’s core focus in the janitorial services segment is about creating clear performance- and outcome-based contract scopes of work and guiding their delivery using a continuous improvement process that delivers exceptional results. Organizations that engage contractors have a myriad of factors to consider when engaging and managing contracted services.

Aqueous Ozone Systems

List of suppliers of surface cleaning systems that utilize aqueous ozone

The Efficacy of Disinfection

This white paper attempts to answer key questions about the efficacy of disinfection, health risks, and the alternative disinfection solutions available today.

Defining Quality and Recording Common Defects

In this 30-minute video, Ron McCuen goes into the details of how common defects should be recorded as part of the inspection process.

The Dirty Dozen and Your Image

List of 12 most common high-touch points

What Do The Numbers Mean?

A brief explanation of how to interpret various numerical readings that may appear in inspection reports

Putting the Hype to the Test: Ionized Water

Can "ionized water" really be effective for cleaning floors?

The Scoop on Water Cleaning

In this guest article, Dr. Robert W. Powitz discusses how activated water could be used for cleaning.

Extreme Green Cleaning, 1st Edition

In this 2010 eBook, Vince Elliott discusses various approaches for cleaning commercial buildings effectively while avoiding the usage of highly toxic chemicals.
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