Welcome to Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.’s Knowledge Center, where you will find information relevant to owners, occupiers, investors, and contractors in the commercial real estate space. While Elliott’s core focus in the janitorial services segment is about creating clear performance- and outcome-based contract scopes of work and guiding their delivery using a continuous improvement process that delivers exceptional results. Organizations that engage contractors have a myriad of factors to consider when engaging and managing contracted services.

Lighting Technology Helps Reduce Hospital Infection Rates

FacilitiesNet article on the usage of antimicrobial "luminaires with 405nm technology" at the Maury Regional Medical Center (MRMC)  in south central Tennessee

Facility Cleaning Decisions (September / October 2022 Edition)

The September / October 2022 edition of the Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine discusses "addressing HAIs [healthcare-acquired infections]" (P. 12-14), "smaller floor cleaning equipment" (P. 15-17), "top post-pandemic hurdles impacting school facilities managers" (P. 18-19), and an application of "all-in-one" restroom sink fixtures (P. 20-21).

ISSA Today (July / August 2022 Edition)

The July / August 2022 edition of the ISSA Today magazine discusses "UV-C light disinfection devices" (P. 8-11 / 28-29), "integrating robots into workloading" (P. 14-15), "four success factors to human-robot collaboration" (P. 16-18), "using evidence-based data to prove the quality of your cleaning operations" (P. 20-21), and "antimicrobial technologies" for "keeping health care facilities cleaner and safer" (P. 24-25).

Facility Management Journal (March / April 2022 Edition)

The March / April 2022 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "using drones to evaluate a building enclosure" (P. 30-33), "workplace technologies to build resiliency" (P. 38-41), "building the hybrid workplace" in commercial real estate (P. 56-59), "leveraging technology for office space decisions" (P. 60-63), "4 simple, cost-effective ways to care for carpets" (P. 69-71), and "robotization and automation" in facility management (P. 78-80).

Facility Management Journal (January / February 2022 Edition)

The March / April 2022 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "the future of workspace" and "workplace" (P. 22-28), "improving health and safety with access tech" (P. 34-36), "addressing IAQ [indoor air quality]" via "demand-controlled ventilation" and other "air cleaning technologies" (P. 44-47 / 84-87), using data to "better understand your building" (P. 60-62), and "redesigning the workplace" (P. 98-101).
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