Welcome to Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.’s Knowledge Center, where you will find information relevant to owners, occupiers, investors, and contractors in the commercial real estate space. While Elliott’s core focus in the janitorial services segment is about creating clear performance- and outcome-based contract scopes of work and guiding their delivery using a continuous improvement process that delivers exceptional results. Organizations that engage contractors have a myriad of factors to consider when engaging and managing contracted services.

Regenerative Buildings Represent the Future of Facilities

FacilitiesNet interview on "regenerative buildings" as the next step beyond environmental sustainability: "What if buildings could not only be resource-conscious now, but also actively help future generations with the resources they need?"

Facility Management Journal (May / June 2022 Edition)

The May / June 2022 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "investing in indoor environmental quality" (P. 18-20), optimizing the workspace and real estate based on utilization data (P. 22-26 / 99-103), "designing for productivity in multi-use facilities" (P. 28-31), possible applications of AR (augmented reality) and AI (artificial intelligence) in facility management (P. 32-35 / 50-52), "choosing the right time for upgrades" (P. 38-41), and "approaching IAQ [indoor air quality]" from a "maintenance perspective" (P. 62-64).

Addressing Potential Viral Infection Risk in the Workplace

How can organizations create a safe environment during and after the COVID pandemic as people gradually return to working in-person? This 2022 white paper discusses how a focus on indoor air quality can help achieve this goal.

ISSA Today (March / April 2022 Edition)

The March / April 2022 edition of the ISSA Today magazine discusses "cleaning for health" (P. 8-12 / 24-25), "seven strategies for leading a custodial team" (P. 13-15), and "biological air quality considerations for non-health care, as-built environments" (P. 26-29).

Facility Cleaning Decisions (March / April 2022 Edition)

The March / April 2022 edition of the Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine discusses avoiding slippery floors (P. 10-12), "creating a healthy environment for building occupants" (P. 14-17), and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic regarding how to clean schools (P. 18-20).

Cleaning Maintenance & Management (January / February 2022 Edition)

The January / February 2022 edition of the Cleaning Maintenance & Management magazine discusses "how to establish a roadmap for safer and more sustainable environmental cleaning" (P. 18-20), using ventilation and "air purification" to "prevent the spread of infectious diseases" (P. 24-26), attention to detail in floor maintenance (P. 28-29), and "disinfection protocols for public buildings" (P. 30-31).

Environmental Monitoring Sensors

Suppliers of environmental monitoring (e.g. indoor air quality / temperature / humidity) systems

Environmental Monitoring

Suppliers of environmental monitoring (e.g. indoor air quality / temperature / humidity) sensors and systems

Key Performance Indicators

How do you define the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be objectively measured and actively managed for constant improvement? This video presents a 13-minute, detailed review of the critical process for creating concrete definitions of the KPIs necessary for achieving your Performance-Driven success.

Ethics and Dirty Toilets

Are dirty toilets to blame for questionable behavior by building occupants?

Don’t Be A Guinea Pig: Hiring The Right Cleaning Contractor For The Job

How do you know that the contractor that looks the best on paper is actually the best one for the job?

Sustainable Cleaning Services

At what point is operational success integrated into the decision process?
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