Welcome to Elliott Affiliates, Ltd.’s Knowledge Center, where you will find information relevant to owners, occupiers, investors, and contractors in the commercial real estate space. While Elliott’s core focus in the janitorial services segment is about creating clear performance- and outcome-based contract scopes of work and guiding their delivery using a continuous improvement process that delivers exceptional results. Organizations that engage contractors have a myriad of factors to consider when engaging and managing contracted services.
Facility Management Journal (July / August 2024 Edition)
The July / August 2024 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "utilizing AI for operational efficiency" (P. 28-32), "planning for inclusivity in healthcare facilities" (P. 33-37), "leading geographically-dispersed FM teams" (P. 46-51), "navigating natural disasters with business continuity strategies" (P. 56-59), "safeguarding the workplace against acts of targeted violence" (P. 63-66), and "starting and maintaining momentum throughout the sustainability journey" (P. 72-75).
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Professional Cleaning
Cleaning Maintenance & Management article on the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) "in the cleaning industry... to manage and perform cleaning tasks and related operations"
How AI and IoT are Transforming the Commercial Cleaning Industry
In this 20-minute ISSA video, Todd Jones of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services discusses the "implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)" to make cleaning practices "more efficient, effective, and sustainable."
ISSA Today (May / June 2024 Edition)
The May / June 2024 edition of the ISSA Today magazine discusses the chemistry of cleaning products and "the importance of labels" (P. 8-11), "innovation and technology" in the cleaning industry (P. 12-15), and "six sustainability practices" to "save money and the environment" (P. 22-23).
Facility Management Journal (May / June 2024 Edition)
The May / June 2024 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in facility management" (P. 13-17), implications of the WELL Building Standard on commercial restrooms (P. 32-35), "strategic space management" (P. 42-46), "7 strategies to improve IAQ (indoor air quality)" (P. 68-71), and safety considerations related to "UVC lighting" used for disinfection (P. 81-83).
Study Explores AI's Role in Infection Prevention
Cleaning Maintenance & Management article on how "artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can accurately identify cases of healthcare-associated infections (HAI)—even in complex clinical scenarios" per a 2024 study published in the American Journal of Infection Control
Building Services Management (February 2024 Edition)
The February 2024 edition of the Building Services Management magazine discusses ladder safety (P. 18-19), the "future of smart buildings" (P. 20-21), and "find[ing] and remov[ing] slip and fall hazards" (P. 30-31).
ISSA Today (January / February 2024 Edition)
The January / February edition of the ISSA Today magazine discusses "improving facility cleaning and maintenance productivity" (P. 18-19), "leveraging AI for facility maintenance services" (P. 20-22), "technology and building service contracting" (P. 30-31), and "the science of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and norovirus" (P. 32-33).
Facility Management Journal (January / February 2024 Edition)
The January / February 2024 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine discusses "enhancing FM efficiency" via "standard communication protocols" (P. 20-23), downsizing the workplace "in the post-pandemic landscape" (P. 46-50), "restroom maintenance strategies" (P. 58-62), and choosing among the various options for improving indoor air quality (P. 87-88).
Building Services Management (January 2024 Edition)
The January 2024 edition of the Building Services Management magazine discusses "avoid[ing] carbon monoxide exposure when using heat" (P. 12-13), guidelines from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) regarding "why and how to disinfect" (P. 14-15), and using "technology and data analytics" in facility management (P. 16-17).
Facility Management Journal (November / December 2023 Edition)
The November / December 2023 edition of IFMA's FMJ magazine focuses on the theme of "real estate & property management" and "occupancy." Topics discussed include: Smart building technology (P. 36-40), "five ways AI can prevent cyberattacks" (P. 46-49), maintenance checklists (P. 56-60), "safeguarding IAQ [indoor air quality] amidst outdoor air challenges" such as wildfires (P. 62-66), and "using apps to save FM institutional knowledge" (P. 68-70).
Building Services Management (November 2023 Edition)
The November 2023 edition of the Building Services Management magazine discusses "winter maintenance... for commercial properties" (P. 14-16), recent research from Tork showing "a link between clean, well-functioning workspaces and employee satisfaction" (P. 20-21), "how to keep temporary workers safe" (P. 22-23), and "four considerations" for cleaning small spaces in restrooms (P. 32-33).